Event videography - my experience

I teamed up with KórházSuli back in September, when the 4th KórházSuli Conference took place. I was asked if I'd make a short video of the event, and sure I said yes!

But how to make an event video? Here are my thoughts.

The first important thing is to know the location. The best thing that can happen is if the event's organized at a place that you already know. In my case that was my school, which made my tasks much easier. If you are not familiar with a location, just go there the day before the event, to have an idea of the space, the lights, etc. Also now you should know what equipment you are going to bring with you.

The second task is to shoot at the event. There isn't much to say about that really, you have to make the most out of it. Of course, it helps if you know how to shoot motion picture, but this topic isn't about this type of technical parts. Some advice I can give is to really use your camera, so don't be afraid of high ISO-s, shallow d.o.f., camera movement, just try to really push your camera and your knowledge to it's limits! I shot 2-7 second clips, and be sure to have plenty of footage to work with, more is better, no question about that.640/270

Third step is obviously the post production. You have to come up with a structure that you can tell your story with. It can be any structure, the only important thing is to stick to it. Choose your music carefully, it really should match the overall feeling of the video and the event. Don't be afraid to edit the music a little bit, for example the length, that's okay. After you put everything together there comes color correction, and after that you're pretty much done.

Please check out KórházSuli's Facebook page and Webpage, it's a wonderful organization, you can learn more about it if you click here.

You can see the video here:

Thanks for checking out this post, and I'll be back soon with another one. Stay tuned!

Until the next post, check out my work on:
